Friday, February 26, 2010

Republicans Role and The new pass bill

In "The Five Republican Votes" an editorial from The New York Times, that talks about the role of Republicans and the new pass bill. The author gives his opinion about the $15 billion jobs bill that was passed in congress this week, where five Republican voted for the bill. He also makes an argument about how narrow this bill is and that he thinks that it will not help people in the U.S.. The author’s intended audiences are Democrats and liberals. The authors name is not on the editorial page but just the fact that he works for this credible newspaper it gives him credibility. I agree with both of the arguments including Republicans should care more about people, and that the bill is too narrow to make a big impact for the American people.

The author first argument deals with the five Republican senators that voted for this job bill. He argues that this senators voted because they have more common sense, and they care more about the people in the U.S. This action contrast to the others Republican senators that focuses more in strategies of obstruction against Democrats and President Obama. The author uses logic through evidence citing the opinion of senator Mr. Brow and MS. Snowe. They both add their opinion of why they supported this bill. I agree with his argument because people in the U.S. are desperately waiting for solutions to this recession, they don’t care if it comes from the Republicans or Democrats. For this reason Republicans and Democrats should work together to find solutions stead of obstruct plans that would help people in the U.S.

The other argument that he makes is about the extent $15 billion jobs bill. He argues that this bill is too narrow and will not make a big impact because it needs more federal help. He focuses on unemployment benefits and fiscal aid to states. He believes that government has to create a bill to extend the unemployment benefits through December 2010 and give aid to states. By doing this he believes that the government will help employers and workers in the long run. The author uses logic by stating that the economy is affected with unemployment and state-budget cuts, this situation makes employers eager to hire more workers. I agree with his opinion because $13 billion of this bill is going to hiring tax credit. With this action only employers will get benefit but what about the workers. Some companies can hire a lot of people in order to get the tax credit and then fired them at the end of the year. People cannot wait any longer, they need help now. People are losing their jobs, losing their houses and are not able to support their families.

Friday, February 12, 2010

The Media In Haiti

I found this video on Link Tv that talks about the participation of the media in Haiti, if it is beneficial or not for Haiti. The Media from all over the country sent their reporters to get the latest news. Reporters are in a big competition between each other, sometimes trying to get the most dramatic images. Also media of other countries are commenting about the participation of the United States in Haiti.
I think this is a good story because most people in the United States are constantly watching the news from Haiti. For some people the media is doing a great reporting everything that is happening in Haiti, but other people might have a different opinion. It is also interesting what other country’s media think about the United States involvement in Haitian restoration.